Compulsive or Emotional Eater? Want to Create a Life of Design?     Welcome to Personal Life Coaching!!!

Life can be daunting, unpredictable and lonely.  And if you are experiencing each day from a fearful, angst-ridden or looking-over-your-shoulder perspective, you are probably holding your breath a lot.   And nothing can be delicious when you are holding your breath: not food, not living.  If you are trying to fill a void with compulsive eating, shopping or relationships, you will only maximize your emptiness because those behaviors are not enduring.


You can live the life you dared to dream of, but you need help.  Until you get that help, diets will not work, budgeting will not work and your personal relationships will be as empty as your stomach.


I am not saying this will be easy.  You will have to risk and dig deep to reveal your brave soul.   All your pain and failures can help you grow into the person you were born to be.  Not someone else’s version of who you are, but your idea and desire of who you are. 


Self-wisdom and discovery can be accomplished on your own.  There are tools that are quite useful: books, journals, meditation and workshops.  And in addition, it is quite beneficial to have a Personal Life Coach who will challenge your perceived inadequacies, help you uncover your strengths and replenish your love of self and life.  With the help of a Personal Life Coach, you can go from empty to full in the best way possible.

I can help you!!!

Call or contact me at 518-229-5695 or

Visit my blog:

Ask Linda a question at:

The bud stands for all things, even for those things that don’t flower,
for everything flowers, from within, of self-blessing; though sometimes
it is necessary to reteach a thing its loveliness, to put a hand on its brow
of the flower and retell it in words and in touch it is lovely until it flowers

again from within, of self-blessing . . . .

- Galway Kinnell


 A Life Coach who is not a qualified therapist or psychologist is not equipped to deal with people who are, for example, suffering from severe depression, schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder, PTSD, anger management issues or drug dependecy.  If a client needs more extensive care than I can provide, I will make a referral and possibly continue the coaching in concert with the additional professional mental health care.

Additional Resources

 If you are in a life-threatening situation:

Please contact the appropriate authorities or crisis intervention service providers in your local area for immediate assistance.

A list of crisis help lines and service providers can be found in your phone book, or contact any of the organizations listed below.

  • National Suicide Hot-line 800-273-TALK (800-273-8255)
  • National Domestic Violence Hot-line 800-799-SAFE (800-799-7233)
  • National Child Abuse Hot-line 800-4-A-CHILD (800-422-44530

If you need help finding mental health services and support in your community contact:

  • National Mental Health Association Information Center:

Eating Disorders - Personal Coaching is done in concert with professional services.  If you have an Eating Disorder,  I recommend the links below.